We all love a good story!
A gripping introduction, a compelling plot that develops with great momentum, convincing character development, emotional connection and a happy ending.
The Good News of the Gospel of Jesus is truly the best story ever. With all the finest award-winning components every good narrative requires, in Christ’s life-giving story we discover our own life-changing story. We all have a unique journey of faith and we all express this in different ways, but what unites us is a call to share our convictions in spoken word. We may not all be expert evangelists but we all need to be able to simply, clearly and authentically tell what it means personally for us to know and follow Jesus.
This year’s Parish Mini Conference is entitled, ‘Sharing our Stories’ and it will be an extraordinary opportunity for us all to be equipped and grow in confidence to share the unrivalled message of Jesus Christ and to communicate our own faith in Him.
We are delighted to announce that Dr Cheryl Mvula will be our keynote speaker. She will share her experience of encountering Jesus Christ after being an atheist all her life and how He then gave her the conviction and courage to share Him with others. Cheryl’s testimony will inspire us to consider how God wants to use every one of us to speak of our story of faith.
We will also be inspired by stories from across our parish of God at work in wonderful ways through the dedicated witness of faith seen in various projects and ministries on our own door step.
Join us on Saturday 6th July from 9.30am – midday at Christchurch, South Ashford, followed by a BBQ for all the family from 12.15pm. So please save the date, spread the word and come along. All very welcome.
The Revd Jo Purle

Our Speaker: Dr Cheryl Mvula MBE
Cheryl is a passionate conservationist working on wildlife conservation and poverty reduction projects in Africa. She has a strong heart for justice which leads her to journey into dark places to help combat the illegal wildlife trade, corruption and inequality, most notably so in Kenya with the Maasai tribe.
She and her husband Manny set up and run a UK charity, the High Five Club, that supports rural African communities with the means to lift themselves out of poverty.
Here in the UK, Cheryl leads the Alpha ministry at St. Mary Bredin church in Canterbury along with taking the Gospel fearlessly into prisons on the Isle of Sheppey. God also put onto her heart the plight of those trapped in modern slavery and in response she set up the anti-trafficking group STOP THE TRAFFIK Kent. Here she partners with Kent Police to identify and rescue those trapped in modern slavery in the county, particularly females that have been sex trafficked. She also supports victims getting to a safe place away from their traffickers and in rebuilding their lives post rescue.
Jo adds: Cheryl met Jesus Christ 10 years ago after being an atheist and her life totally changed. She is a radical disciple, faithfully following Jesus and boldly sharing Him and her story wherever she goes.