a message from Revd Teena Twelves

There used to be a tradition in France – so strongly held that at school, 40 years ago we were even taught about it – that the whole of August was the time when the French, en masse, all went to the seaside ‘en vacances’. I don’t know whether that holds true today, but as we approach the month of August it is clear that holiday-time is here. Despite the showers, the weather is looking pretty summery. There are barbeques, cricket matches, cream teas appearing in the notice sheets. This week we have held lots of school services, including farewell and leavers’ services for those in year 6 and 13, as they move on to something new. Their holiday time comes with perhaps even more excitement this year, and perhaps a sense of trepidation too … Whilst August may, for some, be the time for rest and refreshment, for laying things down and marking the end of an era, for others it’s a time of busy-ness, of picking things up and the busy start of things new. So, we have our peak wedding season approaching, and a whole host of holiday clubs and activities, and family support sessions running in our churches. As some take a well-earned break, others, including the many working in the hospitality industry, reach their busiest time of year, as the rest of us pack our bags and travel to far-flung climes, or pop a few hours down the road with our tent or caravan. If this is your season of rest, may you be blessed with wonderful weather, with transient moments that you will treasure, and return refreshed to pick up all that lies in store. If it is your time to lay things down, may you do so with gratitude, with thanks for all that has been, and look forward to all that is to come. If this is your season of business, may you be filled with energy and zest, and live it to its fullest, reaching out to all with joy. And if you are preparing to take new things up, may you feel God’s presence with you as you step out in faith to embrace all that he has prepared for you. Whatever you are doing - have a wonderful summer – and as they say across the water, ‘bonnes vacances!’