It's Pentecost, and our Common Worship introduction to this special Principal Feast describes it as follows: 'Pentecost (from the Greek 'pentekoste', meaning fiftieth of 50 days of celebration) ... the fiftieth day of Easter when God sends his Holy Spirit to empower the Church to perform the mission which the risen Christ has entrusted to it.'
Just read that last phrase again: God sends his Holy Spirit to empower the Church to perform the mission which the risen Christ has entrusted to it.
Wow! That's no small thing there. Christ has given US a job to do. Our risen Lord has not only handed us the baton, it is 'entrusted' to us. He has faith in us to carry out the task that he has set. He believes that we can build his Kingdom here on earth. Isn't that simply awesome?
And in case you are feeling that you're not quite up to the task somehow, remember that first bit - we do none of this in our own strength. Jesus didn't leave us alone to achieve this. He sent his Holy Spirit to empower us as his Church to perform that mission.
So today we celebrate the birth of the Church - happy birthday to us - as missionaries to the world. And we give thanks in joyful praise for the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide, support, lead and empower us as we take on that awesome task, praying Thy Kingdom Come!
The Revd. Teena Twelves