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Sharing our Love of God's Creation


Summer is over....honestly. Summer is over. But, as we move into a weekend of predicted super-hot temperatures, you may be wondering if that is really true.

We've been thinking about this season, which the church celebrates as 'Creationtide', over the past few weeks at Ignite, and we've been thinking about our ability as humans to be not only creative, but also destructive. There is much that we do in respect of our creation which is, and has been, destructive, and we are now seeing the impact of this writ larger than ever.

In our discussions with the Ignite congregation, it was clear that whilst many are aware of the things that are being destroyed, many feel powerless as individuals to do much about (for example) the desecration of the Amazon rain forest, or the disappearance of rhinoceroses. Working together, however, we are able to make a difference - and at Ignite we have agreed that there are some small, practical steps that we will be taking: ditching our use of paper cups; doing a community litter pick; joining in with a River Stour clean-up.

We should all, as church communities, be thinking along these lines. Eco Church is not just a brand - it's what we should all aspire to be. Safeguarding the wonderful creation that God has given to us is not only one of the Anglican Marks of Mission, it is also something that many people who are not people of faith are passionate about. It gives us a superb opportunity to come alongside people with a common shared interest, and in such places of common ground we find that shared conversations may lead to new revelation.

As you go about in the heat this weekend, may you have chances to meet others in such a shared space, and may the Spirit guide your conversations that they may bear much fruit - it is harvest time, after all!

The Revd Teena Twelves

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