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By Revd Jo Purle

Waiting for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost raises a number of questions for us, among which is: what are we expecting from God by the dynamic presence of his Spirit? This question takes different forms, depending on where we are in our journey: - For those relatively new to faith, you might simply be wondering what to expect in this strange new world of belief that you have discovered. - For those who have had expectations which have not been met, and have been living with disappointment, you might be afraid of expecting anything more.

- For those who have been Christians for many years, we might have just settled for a humdrum, routine kind of faith, with our expectations settling to a kind of manageable low. So, let’s revisit this question again: What are we waiting for? What are we expecting from God by the dynamic presence of his Spirit? From the Pentecost account in Acts 2, we discover that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit brought tremendous transformation. We can expect something unusually normal Scripture teaches us that we should expect unusual and remarkable manifestations of the Spirit, because these are a normal part of the Christian life. Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, was empowered to love, heal, proclaim, deliver and restore through miraculous wonders. As followers of Jesus, we are to pray for and expect these things too in His Mighty Name. The presence of the Spirit enables us to live in such a way that is truly supernatural, something we should expect as a normal part of Christian discipleship. We can expect something unusually loving At Pentecost we are reminded to expect the gift of the Spirit as a sign of the love of God for us that we might be shaped by that love so we can express that love to others. This is truly supernatural; none of us can love others well, especially our enemies, without the presence of the Holy Spirit within us. We can expect something we uniquely need We do not have what we need, in our own strength, to see God’s will being done and to see his Kingdom come in our lives and communities. We must therefore pray for the Spirit’s empowering for all we need, for the power to do His will and the fruit of the Spirit to witness in our world.

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